Ultimate Raw Vegan Strawberry-Bliss Spread

Life is sweet

…especially with the most delicious & delightful strawberry jam in the world! Of course this treat is organic, raw vegan, gluten-free and as well canesugar-free. It is made with “awakened” so to say activated chia seeds and thus supplies you with tons of energy as well as living enzymes. Once you tried this one you are hooked. Best of all its really great for your health, wellbeing and supports physical and mental performance!


Makes: 1 small jar
Equipment: blender (optional)
Pre-Preparation time: min. 15 minutes soaking
Preparation time: 5 Minutes
Post-Preparation time: enjoy immediately, store up to 2-3 days in fridge
Recipe character: raw, vegan, activated, cane-sugar-free, gluten-free

πŸ“ Organic Ingredients:

2-3 Medjool Dates (or more to taste)
250g Ripe Strawberries
3 TBSP White Chia Seeds
1 Pinch of Vanilla Extract/Powder
1 Drop Lemon Essential Oil (food grade)
A Few Drops Fresh Lemon Juice (to taste)
optional: coconut flower sugar to sweeten more

πŸ“ Instructions:

  1. Soak chia seeds in around 6-9 tablespoons of water for around 15 minutes up to 2 hours.
  2. Pit the dates and soak in water for 15 Minutes. Optionally take off the skin if its rather rough.
  3. Add all ingredients, except the chia into a blender and blend until smooth. At last add in the soaked chia seeds and simply pulse a few times so that all is well incorporated and the chia seeds remain whole.

My Tipp:

If you don’t have a blender at home, simply mash the strawberries and dates with a fork until they are all smooth. Then add all other ingredients and mash until you get a smooth consistency.

Recipe Ideas:

Enjoy this mouthwatering marmalade  just like that as well as with a variety of dishes like in chia puddings, porridge, with raw bread, etc. Of course you can also dehydrate it and make delicious raw vegan strawberry wraps or even crackers.


Enjoy the recipe πŸ˜ƒ Share a photo/video of your own version of this recipe and make sure to tag #strawberryblissjam #angelikafurstler on social media. I have nice give-aways every now and then πŸ‘ŒπŸŒ±πŸ“

With all my love & sprouty regards πŸŒ±β€οΈβ˜€οΈπŸŒΈπŸ™


If ever you are in Austria in June make sure to visit a strawberry land… It´s just pure bliss!!!! you can pick your own strawberries and take them home kilo wise πŸ™‚ I love love love love love the bio-dynamic strawberries at the “Blasehof” by my dear friend Daniel Dörfler in Carinthia, Southern Austria.

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